Monday 4 February 2013


The Carb Back-Loading DIET Explained:

To avoid getting into boring details I will break down the carb- load diet as simply as possible. Here we go:

  • Proteins and fats must be consumed during the day prior to training in the afternoon. Good healthy fats and saturated fats are acceptable. Include veggies with meals.
  • Resistance training is a MUST in order to store carbs in glycogen cells
  • Training should take place between 3-5. You need to leave yourself time to load on carbs post-workout
  • After you have finished training consume a high protein/carb shake
  • Indugle in heavier carbs meals the rest of the night, stay away from traditional low GI carbs such as oats/brown rice and opt for carbs you would usually stay away from : pasta/white rice, potato, cakes, pastries, pizza, ice cream. Your body at this point will store as much as possible in the muscle rather then store as fat.
  • Keep protein intake high as well with these carb meals
  • Keep in mind do not go crazy and have an entire pizza everyday. The benefit of this diet is to allow you to have those foods you are missing out on without gaining fat, so yes if you want some pizza enjoy it but I would not suggest consuming 6-8 slices per night. Keep in moderation.
  • The more intense and heavy your workouts are the more you can consume and 'get away' with.
If you train in morning then consume a post-workout shake high in Protein and wait until 6PM to start your carb back-load

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