Monday 4 February 2013

LEGit Workout #1

LEGit Workout #1 (Get your ass in gear)

I won't rant about the importance of legs, but you don't want to be that dude at the gym with chicken legs and a girl with strong legs is a good look! Soooo just remember to TRAIN LEGS! These workouts are targeted for both males and females.

  1. 5 Sets of Squats (FREE bar to get most out of it!)
  2. 4 Sets of Leg Press (Feet inside shoulder width)
  3. 3 Sets Hack Sqauts
  4. 3 Sets Romanian Stiff Deadlifts (use smith machine if your hamstrings are burnt out at this point)
  5. 3 Sets Leg Extensions- superset w/single leg extensions
  6. 3 Bar Lunges , alternating right/left between reps (again opt for smith machine if hamstrings are fatigued)

Your hamstrings get hit during the first 3 exercises therefore they may be sore for the rest of the workout. Don't worry about opting for smith machine; the most important thing is you GET IT DONE!


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