Monday 4 February 2013

LEGit Workout #2

LEGit Workout #2

A new style that goes against the traditional style of training legs - let's switch things up and spark some new growth. Saving the best for last with this one.

1) 3 sets Step Ups- reps 10per leg....barbell on back...
2) 3 Sets Inner stance leg press- 10-15reps
3) 3 Sets Toes pointed out Leg Press to target hamstrings -15reps
4) Single Leg Extensions- 3 Sets of failure

---Best for last--- Your legs should be getting tired at this point thus making these next two exercises crucial that you concentrate on the form rather than just smacking around a bunch of weight and not contracting the actual muscles.
5) 4 sets of Squats- 6-10 reps
6) 4 Sets Stiff Leg Deadlifts 8-10 reps Legs matter!

FACT- You generate much of your testosterone from working out your legs which will help the rest of your body grow. Don't half ass legs because you think it is not important because if you want the total package it is VITAL to train them hard!

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