Monday 4 February 2013

TRI this one on for Size Workout- 100 Level Series

100 Level Triceps Workout

{~}TRI this one on for size Workout{~}

Your triceps have 3 muscle heads, which is more then the biceps. You want bigger arms??? Worry about your triceps and spend your time there. They are the money makers in terms of growing arms. This workout will require you to leave your ego in the change room. Concentrate on FULL extension of the muscle.

1) 5 Sets of cable pull down extensions 20 REPS

2) THREE Exercise Part 4 sets of 12-15 ---(1) VBAR push down (2) underhand Pull down (3) overhand pull down 

3) TWO set part 4 Sets of 12 REPS. (1)overhead rope extension (2) rope split pull down <split the damn thing fully>

4) 5 Sets 10 REPS overhead press DB

5) TWO Part (a) skull crusher x15 REPS (b) body weight dips off bench or bar= FAILURE

6) 4 Sets cable pulley kickbacks

#razfit #horseshoetris #gameon

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