Monday 4 February 2013

Low Carb Spaghetti Stir Fry

I'm no Mrs. Fields but this was pretty damn good. It's simple, quick, natural and makes a ton of servings.

  • Low Carb noodles, in this case I used (1) spaghetti squash for the nutrients they contain and the texture is great-
  • 1 tomato sauce, either homemade or natural base from the store
  • extra lean ground turkey package =1

Directions :
1) Cook squash in oven or microwave ( if you choose microwave make sure to puncture about 10-12 holes around it or else you are looking at a royal disaster in your kitchen )
2) Prepare ground turkey 15mins (until brown), add spices while cooking : chilli, onions, paprika, oregano, curry powders
3) Cook tomato sauce 10-15mins
4) After the squash shell gets soft- remove and let it settle for 5 mins. Slice edges off and cut squash in half. Once in half, peel the squash with a fork. It will form a spaghetti like texture.
5) Mix sauce into turkey and stir, finally add spaghetti to the mix for a minute or two and then serve.6) Add veggies of your choice- I added half avocado

Enjoy y'all!

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