Tuesday 12 February 2013

100 Level CORE Chaos Series

 100 LEVEL CORE Chaos Series Workout & Growing ABS Breakdown

Abs are made in the kitchen, yes yes BUT abdominal muscles are made in the gym.  In order to see your abs you need a balanced nutrition that drops you body fat low enough to do so. Building ABS is beneficial in the sense that you are

  1. Strengthening your Core
  2. Building the physical muscle which enables greater ABS visibility 
So how do we do this???....SIMPLE

  • First of all, you must realize that your abdominals are ONE sheet on muscle. You can target different regions of that muscle but realize your genetic makeup of that muscle is one sheet.
So how can we target them???

OK, first of all LOWER REGION (lower abs)
  • CURL your HIPS towards your CHEST to activate them, 90 degrees ain't doing you any favors!
  • Here are some movements for this region
  1. Stability Leg Raises off the ground
  2. Ankle Strap hip curls towards chest
  3. Knee ups- curling knees towards chest, feet should basically hit your hands
  4. Hip Raises off Decline Bench
  1. Weighted Crunches with Rope from Top pulley
  2. Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups
  3. Crunches, feet on bench, raises shoulders off floor and contract
  4. Crunches off Stability Ball

  • Please ditch the weighted bends, you are only building a thicker and wider waistline. To target obliques you want to incorporate a TWIST motion.
  1. Russian decline bench twists
  2. Bar across the back side twists
  3. Windshield Wipers (pictured below)
  4. Wood Choppers
Internal Core
  • PLANKS -regular or side
  • Running Knee Ups (holds yourself on DIP bar and start running motion while raising knees as high as possible


  •  Minimal rest between sets (20seconds)
Part One
  1. Stability Ball Leg Raises off ground 5 SETS- 20 Reps
  2. Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups 5 Sets- 10 Reps
  3. Russian Decline Twists
Part Two
  1. Ankle Strap Hip Curls from pulley 4 SETS- 12-15 REPS
  2. Weighted Cable crunch w/rope 4 SETS -20 REPS
  3. Windshield Wipers or Bar Twists (bar across back) - 4 SETS- 20 Twists per side
Part Three

  1. Running Knee Ups on DIP bar - 3 SETS until failure

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