Thursday 7 February 2013



Need something new? Have an off day from your typical routine? Try this one on for size (literally). I like to think of this as a major testosterone workout (and no, not that! this is the gym version lol). Need other body parts to grow then give them a break to rest and try something new. This can contribute to building future muscle mass. I incorporate this once a week and rotate few weeks on and off.

So what we got???

  1. SQUATS- 10 Sets - REPS 30/30/20/20/15/10/10/10/8/6...weight increases as reps tailor down
  2. DEADLIFTS (REGULAR Bent leg)- 6-10 Sets...start with comfortable weight so first set then get about 70% your MAX ONE REP and hammer out 10 30 seconds and hit it again 
  3. Calves- three part 
  • 6 Sets Hack Squat Machine Calves Raises- 15 reps toes straight - 12 reps toes out - 12 reps in
  • 5 Sets Smith Machine Calves Raises - 12 reps (stand on platform to allow for deeper extension, push all the way through)
  • 5 Sets Seated Calves Raises- Increasing each set, Reps 20/15/10/10/8 LAST SET strip weight and max out until the machine if EMPTY!

1 comment:

  1. I love this routine! It has tremendously increased my squatting weight!

    I used to get back/waist pain but this workout burns and gives a great warm up that helped me even do a better squat all the way down!

    Thanks man.
