Monday 4 February 2013

TOP Chest Workout

:::::That time again, Chest Workout:::::

Focus shift to upper chest, incline movements. The chest grows from the top down, performing flat bench and decline won't get that chest to pop. Lets roll:

(1) 5 Sets,8-12 reps Barbell Incline Press, bench at 40 degree angle(use smith machine if no spotter)

(2) 4 Sets,12-15 reps Flat DB Flyes- DO NOT hit weights at top, you will relieve all the tension totally defeating the purpose.

(3) 3 Sets, 15 reps Flyes, chest parallel to the floor, arms bent- squeeze at bottom USING CABLES

(4) 3 Sets 15 reps cable press downs. (As pictured) Use a full stretch and hold at bottom.

(5)4 Sets Dips- all failure reps

We ain't done yet...

(6) 4 Sets 8-10 reps DB incline press, bench at 30 degree angle.

(7) 3 Sets 12-15 reps Incline DB Flyes

I gotcha!!

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