Monday 4 February 2013

Homemade Gnocchi- Two Versions Diets-Routines-Contest Coaching

Original Recipe- Ricotta Gnocchi (Serves 8)

~4 large white potatoes ~100g ricotta ~Sea salt & white pepper (2 tbsp)

~200g all purpose flour ~2 EGG ~1 Cup Basil Leaves ~Served with parmigiano cheese

Gluten FREE Recipe (Serves 8-10) 
• 3.5LBS White potatoes 
• 3 Eggs 
• 300g Gluten free flour, (rice flour) 
• 2 tablespoons olive oil 
• 1 chopped Onion+ Garlic 
• 1 TBSP Sea Salt & Black Pepper 
• ½ cup basil leaves 
• Goat Cheese can be used as an option


1. Boil potatoes in pot for 15mins, remove and mash up. 
2. Add 1 cup mashed potato, flour and egg in bowl. Mix into a ball. Shape dough into 'S' shape stretched on floured pan and cut proceed to cut every 1 inch or so. 
3. Boil large pot of water, add touch of salt. Drop in gnocchi and cook for 3-5 minutes or until gnocchi rise to top of pot.

Served with sauce of your choice, tomato sauce in this case.



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