Monday 4 February 2013

ABS, What the hell to do???

ABS- What the hell to do???

I'm speaking from personal experience, I'm not going to recite some 'abs are made in the kitchen' line. Everyone wants to know, how can I get abs???

1) Your body fat has to be low enough to reveal what is there. This can be done through a combo of weight lifting+ cardio+ dieting. personally, I have my lifting sessions and manage my calories to get the job done. My cardio is incorporated within the pace and intensity of my weight lifting sessions.

2) -A- You need to train them, some people like to say 'ooh i never train my abs and have a six pack' I can guarantee those people are squatting, doing deadlifts, or some sort of full body exercise if they are not training there abs separately. Don't forget majority of exercises involves working your core in one way or another. If you feel the need to train abs separately you can do so with body weight or resistance-weight.
-B- Training abs with weights, you can incorporate building the abs muscles through weighted resistance. This will actually build those muscles and make the abs larger, creating a 3d effect.

3) Do what works for you if you are seeing results...I've trained abs everyday, once a week, every other day, low reps, high reps. You need to find what works best for YOUR body, see how your body handles it and how it responds. I personally like to give a day of rest after doings ABS, I know they don't need as much time to recover but when you are squatting, deadlifting heavy throughout the week you need to keep in mind they are being worked during those points. This also includes training your lower back and having a strong lower back. Think support, just like the backside of your arm TRICEPS supports biceps. Lower BACK= ABS

4) Don't be fooled by specific ABS diet guidelines. I've had abs eating gluten free and had those same abs eating pizza and cake. The issue is portion control and management of your caloric intake. Don't be fooled by some article if it is already working for you.

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