Monday 4 February 2013

Chiseled Chest Workout

Chiseled Chest Workout

This workout is a complete superset routine., work the hell out to exhaustion. If you are in need of something different then attack this workout. Forget the numbers that lie on the side of the dumbbells, those can be mental barriers. Push yourself through the workout, if not bring a partner and push each other. You will get stronger throughout the workout - your energy lies within.

1) 3 Sets of Cable Flyes -30 Reps

2) 4 Sets 8-10 Reps- Heavy Incline Press

Now for the real fun....

3) 4 Sets of 12-15 REPS DB Pullovers (put bench on an incline to target the chest) SUPERSET w/ Flat Bench DB Flyes 15-20 REPS ( DO NOT CLAP DBs together, keep tension!!!)

4) Alternating Single Arm DB Flat Bench Press 3 Sets 10 PER SIDE SUPERSET w/ Incline Flyes 15-20 Reps (keep tension!)

5) Incline DB Press 4 Sets of 15 Reps SUPERSET w/ decline push-ups until FAILURE (feet on bench)6)Cable push-downs out front 3 Sets of 30 Reps (lean forward and push out and downwards, cable on top pulley) SUPERSET with regular push-ups, again until Failure. [OR SUB w/DIPS & push-ups]

Now get up, hold your head high and walk out stronger then when you entered. The day from this point forward is now yours, ready to be dominated. Don't let the clock or someone run your day, YOU run your own day.

Enjoy (blame me after lol)

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