Monday 4 February 2013

What would you stand for Back Workout- 100 Level Series

***What Do You Stand For Back Workout***

-Part of the 100 Level Series Workouts-

Your back is the foundation of support to the other muscle groups on the upper body. Your lower back is extremely vital for core support and for support of leg workouts. I know everyone gets the concept of the v-taper but back includes more then lat pull downs superset with bicep curls. You have your lats, upper/middle/lower back. Focus on everything and build a mind-muscle connection with each movement. Legggooo

(1) Deadlifts -20-15-10-10-6 or failure...treat this like you do with squats on leg day, pushing max

(2) Lat Pulldown Wide Grip with 50% drop sets --4 Sets of 10 + drop set 50% of 15

(3) Under Hand Grip barbell bent over rows, pull towards middle abdominals. 4 Sets of 10-15--increasing 

(4) Single Arm Rows on pulley station 4 Sets of 15-20 --increasing 

(5) Overhand Grip Barbell bent over row, pull towards chest & hold for 3 count, 4 Sets of 10-12

(6) Underhand grip lat Pulldown, shoulder width to target lower lats, 3 Sets of 15--hold at chest for 3 count

(7) T-Bar Rows 3 sets of 12, let shoulders fall forward and contracting back blades to pull weight, hold2-3count.

(8) Wide Grip Pull-ups 3 Sets all until complete failure

(9)If you still want more, 3 sets back extensions

Now go find a stability and stretch this mutha out, a good 5-10 min back stretch will help with growth and aid in the recovery process.

#razfit #supportsystem #boldback #waytoomuchespresso

1 comment:

  1. Ok... What can I say... I am about to get a little oxymoronic! Lol... Did this routine today. Mike, I may have called you just about every vulgar name in the book but I said it with all the bro love in the world! I pushed through every set, every rep almost hating life but loved every minute of it... Back extensions???? Yeah, maybe next week... Thanks much for all u do... U truly are inspiring and I have learned so much from u... Cant wait to hit it again next week with more weight, maybe even getting to those back extensions....

    Btw, I hav never had such horrible gorm trying to do wide-grip pullups... I had to laugh at that point!
