Monday 4 February 2013

Complete Biceps Workout

I usually train triceps and biceps together but every so often when I have the chance I will isolate triceps and biceps on their own individual training day. This allows for extra attention to certain areas as well as a variation to your regular training routine.
  • 4 Sets Heavy Close Grip Curls with the cables, either two single hand pulleys or W-Bar REP RANGE 12-15
  • 4 Sets Heavy Barbell Curls REP RANGE 8-12
  • 3 Sets Single Arm DB Hammer Curls across body superset with EZ-Bar reverse grip curls
  • 3 Sets Incline curls, lie with your chest against the bench on an incline angle of 30 or 40 degrees. Allow your arms to hang straight down and curl towards your chin - REP RANGE 10-12
  • 3 Sets Hammer Rope Curls- REP RANGE- 20
  • 3 Sets Cable Curls Arms extended using the cable tower (Knees of floor, curling handles towards the face) REP RANGE- Exhaustion each set!

Concentrate and contract the bicep muscles....

Enjoy, a tricep routine to follow!

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