Monday 4 February 2013

Shoulder Shred Workout

As I wait for this stupid delayed flight I figure I would toss up a workout for you guys/girls. Put those thanksgiving calories to work!

---Shoulder Shred---My latest shoulder workout, supersets all the way through - let's roll....

(1) Arnold Press superset with Reverse DB Flyes - 4 sets of 12
2) Seated DB Lateral Raises superset Standing Arnold press (punching the weight forward like you are throwing a jab) - 4 Sets of 10
3) Cable Upright Rows superset rear extension from top pulley - 3 Sets of 12-15
4) Side lateral raises from behind with cable pulley superset with front plate raises - 3 Sets of 10-12
5) Behind neck shoulder press superset with explosion front raises using a T-Bar or barbell jammed in corner. 3 Sets of 15
6) Optional -3 heavy sets of barbell shrugs for traps



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