Monday 4 February 2013

Total Destruction - ARM WORKOUT


This arm routine is different, focuses on alternating exercises between triceps and biceps. I used this routine as a form of cardio as well. I managed to get a good pump while at the same time cut in under an hour session. Sets and rep ranges vary, challenging you throughout the workout.

1. Triceps pushdown on cable tower 5 sets 20/15/12/10/8

2. Standing bicep curls on cable tower 5 Sets 15/12/10/10/8

3. Seated DB Extension overhead 4 Sets of 12

4. Incline DB Curls- chest lying against the bench on an incline angle 4 sets of 12

5. Dip Machine Press 3 Sets of 8-12

6. DB Hammer Curls 4 Sets of 15

7. Split Rope Extensions overhead 3 sets of 20

8. Preacher curls 3 sets of 10

· To really burnout those arms try adding: 3 Sets of close grip bench & barbell curls at the end of the workout. Focus on form rather than overload of weight.

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