Monday 4 February 2013


100 Level Chest Workout

**Each workout routine will consist of 5 Exercises that includes 5 Sets which will end up with a total over 100 REPS.**

For Chest we are going to try something new, throw pressing motions out the window here, we are going to concentrate on stretching and contracting the chest to gain control over those muscles. If you are having trouble growing chest this would be a good way to attack chest by hitting it with a pressing movement workout followed by a stretching movement workout 72+hrs after the initial workout.

(1) Incline Chest Flyes = 30/30/15/15/10
(2) Incline DB Pullover superset w/ decline push-ups = 20x5
(3) Cable Flyes Medley = 10 per each PART
Part 1- Bent over Flyes (chest facing floor) -Part 2- Straight out Flyes -Part 3- Press downs (hands turned straight out and press down/forward)
(4) Flat DB Flyes = 30/30/15/15/10
(5) Weighted Dips (weight belt works best) = 20 x 5

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