Monday 4 February 2013

Diced Delts Workout#2


No b/s hype and talk because talk is cheap. straight up just give it a go and check your ego at the door. weight is pointless if you can't contract and keep the muscle under tension. you are in it for yourself so forget what the rest think. Today, leave it all on the floor. i will admit, i felt like complete crap today and attacking this workout was the last thing i wanted to do but once i finished this i felt renewed for the rest of the day.


(1)5 Sets Arnold Press 20 Reps Superset w/Seated Lateral Raises 15 Reps

(2) 4 Sets Shoulder Press 15-12-10-15 Reps

(3) Behind Neck Shoulder Press (option to use smith machine while kneeling) 4 Sets 15 Reps

(4) 4 Sets Standing DB Lateral Raises Superset EZ Bar Upright Rows 12-15 Reps

(5) Reverse Flyes, either cable or pec-deck- 4 Sets of 20 Reps

(6) Cable Lateral Raises kneeling (hand position behind back) 3 Sets of 15 Superset w/Plate Front Raises

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