Monday 4 February 2013


Back-BI-super-CEPS Workout
This is the concluding routine to the Chest-Tri-superCEPS workout. All exercises are SUPER SETS. Get ready for the ride.

(1) 4 Sets 10-15 Reps Lat Pull-downs SUPER w/ Standing DB Curls (fully twist wrists at top movement to target INNER biceps)

(2)4 Sets 10 Reps Barbell Rows SUPER w/ Close grip barbell curls (target OUT biceps)

(3) 3 Sets of 12 DB rows SUPER w/ Seated DB Hammer Curls

(4) 3 Sets of 10 Reps Cable V-bar Rows SUPER w/lying Rope Curls in Hammer position (after V-bar back extensions remove VBAR for rope and lie on your back and proceed to curl towards your face)

(5) Finisher - 4 FAILURE sets of chin-ups, no need to Super-set, targets both.

Again I stress weight doesn't matter, keep the muscle under tension and you will be fine. Directly superset each exercise. Should take 60mins. Leave it all out there, enjoy.

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