Monday 4 February 2013

LADIES LEGit Workout

LADIES LEGit Workout

I hate how so many of these women are being steered the wrong way by trainers and online b/s about training when it comes to losing weight. You honestly want to drop pounds? It's actually simple, ditch the cardio and crank up some weights. Don't shy away from lifting heavy either, no such thing as curling 5lbs for 30reps to 'tone'. That 'toned' look is actually lean muscle developed through putting the muscle under tension usually with a fair amount of weight. PLUS you can burn 2-3X more calories weight lifting in an hour compared to cardio. The fact are simple, now just push yourself through a leg workout.With regards to legs and butt.....All I can say is S-Q-U-A-T-S. no smith machine either, tension is lost there 95% of the time, just regular good old squats. 1-SQUATS 2-DEADLIFTS 3-LUNGES are key to building a butt. Here's the workout for you ladies:

1)Squats- 5 Sets of 8-12 Reps, increasing weight each set if you feel comfortable with your form

2)Deadlifts- straight leg or toes pointed outward in V shape 4 Sets of 10 Reps SUPERSET with Leg Extensions 4x15 Reps

3)Lunges- 4 Sets, 10 Per side- add weight bit by bit

4) Hamstring Curls 4 Sets of 10

Advanced PART 5) Step ups- bar on back or DB in hands, step up onto platform - 3 Sets 60 Seconds each.

(was hard to be political and not use the word ass lol)

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