Monday 4 February 2013

Bloody Calves Routine

Bloody Calves Routine

Calves can often be forgotten about and easily neglected. There are many different strategies when training calves, here is what I've found that has worked for me. I like to train calves twice a week - once with legs and once again two or three days after that. I switch between moderate weight/higher reps or lower reps/heavier weight- always pushing last sets to failure. Here's a routine:

(1) 6 Sets of 50-40-30-15-15-10 Seated Raises (increase weight)
(2) 4 Sets of 30 Standing Raises(15 for heels pointed out,15 heels in)
(3) 4 Sets of 40 Hack Squat machine raises (20 pushing through toes-20 through heels)

*Stretch in between and a solid 5 mins after*

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