Monday 4 February 2013

Bigger Back Workout

Bigger BACK Workout

Let's Build this.....

Rep Range 8-10

Duration- 60-75mins

Importance- focus and contract
  • 3 Sets Wide Grip Pullups superset with close grip pullups- Start with bodyweight, progress by adding weight with a belt
  • 3 Sets Deadlifts superset with Barbell Rows - 70-80% 1 Rep MAX
  • 3 Sets Lat Pulldowns Overhand Grip super Lat Pulldowns Underhand grip - Weight, 80% 1 Rep MAX
  • 4 Sets DB Rows- Go Heavy
  • 3 Sets T-Bar Row- Go Heavy
  • 3 Sets Cable Row - Contraction is key
  • 4 Sets Back Extensions - Failure each set

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