Tuesday 29 January 2013

Women's Shoulder Slice Workout

Women's Shoulder Slice Workout

Strong, defined shoulders should be a focal point of any training. The development of shoulder muscles not only provides great strength/health benefits, but also contributes to a strong, graceful look, especially for women. This gives proportion between the upper and lower body.

The primary focus of this workout is concentrated around the side delts, this gives the shoulder an overall nice 'pop' to it. Concentrate and find a mind-muscle connection. The goal is to hold and contract at the top of each movement forcing all the muscles fibres to be worked. Enjoy!

·         4 Sets of 15 Reps DB-Side Lateral Raises
·         3 Sets of 12 Reps Cable-Front Raises Superset with Upright Rows 10 Reps (Cable Tower)
·         3 Sets of 15 Reps Reverse Pec-Deck or Sub(Reverse Cable Flyes)
·         4 Sets of  10/8/8/6 Reps  DB Shoulder Press (Push yourself here)
·         3 Sets Plate Rotation Overhead- 15-20 Reps (revolutions)

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