Tuesday 29 January 2013

Diced Delts Workout w/Video Instructions

Diced Delts Workout

Most exercises have supersets attached to them. This will help burnout the muscle. Please refer to any attached videos for instructional tips.
  1. DB Side Lateral raises, DB in front (raise DB to ear level and try to hold for 1-2 seconds) 4 Sets 12/10/8/6 – 30 seconds rest in between sets and increase weight each set.
  2. Reverse DB Flyes on Inclined Bench- 3 sets x10 + Superset Barbell Upright Rows (hold at chin level for 2 seconds and concentrate on contraction on way down)
  3. Arnold Press 3X15 + SUPERSET with Plate twists (Grab a plate and hold it out in front like a car steering wheel and rotate left to right for total 40 twists.
  4. Cable Side Lateral Raises with cable behind your body 3x10- Concentrate on holding at the top of the movement for 2 seconds to feel the contraction. + SUPERSET with Cable Upright Rows 3x15
  5. Reverse single arm flyes on cable pulley- cable pulley is at bottom of cable tower. 3x10
  6. Reverse cable flyes- Cable pulley at top, cross arms infront making and X with your arms and contract back. + SUPERSET with front plate raises

Instruction Videos for the workout:

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