Monday 21 January 2013

Grow LEGS Grow Workout

Your legs are the biggest muscle group on your body. In order to build the most natural testosterone throughout your body you must hit your legs hard to make them grow. By stimulating the leg muscles and producing more testosterone you are setting yourself up for greater muscle growth for the rest of the week. Far too many people neglect working their legs, this leads to an unbalanced physique. The ideal physique is a well proportioned one.The following was done today for quads. Hamstrings will be performed tomorrow isolated, will post the routine.

Squats 8 sets

Leg press 6 sets

Leg Extensions 4 sets

As you can see it is very simple. You want your legs to grow?? Then stick with the basics, forget packing on weight and half assin it, master the form and build up bit by bit. The basics such as squats and leg press will promote the greatest muscle growth.

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