Tuesday 29 January 2013

Delts Demolition Shoulder Workout

Delts Demolition!!

I tried this workout last week and felt a totally new burn. I found traditional shoulder presses generated too much joint pain, especially when working chest heavy throughout the week. I kept an extremely intense pace during the entire workout, workout took 50mins. Here it is:

  1. Seated Rear delt raises – 12/10/10/8…..weight increasing per set
  2. Seated Side Delt Raises with DB- 10/10/10/8…..weight increasing per set SUPERSET with Standing punching Arnold Press on angle upwards. - 10/10/10/10 (Hold DBs in front yourself with palms facing towards you and punch forward with a twist motion on an upward angle, your palms should be facing out at the end of the movement, bring back towards you twisting the DB to the start position)
  3. Standing Front Plate Press -15/15/15 (position barbell into corner, lift and press one arm at time with weight in front) SUPERSET with Front Plate Raise-10/10/10
  4. Kneeling Front Barbell Press on Smith Machine- kneel down in front Smith machine barbell, barbell should be in front, and hand grip should be within shoulder width apart. -15/12/10
  5. Rear Delt Cable extensions - 20/20/20


SUPERSET with Rope Pulls towards face - 12/12/12

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