Monday 21 January 2013

POST Workout Carb Situation...HOW MANY??? :O

A lot of people struggle to find that perfect number with carbs in their post workout meal. Immediately after weight training your muscles are in a state of repair. There are THREE important factors to post workout nutrition which will promote muscle growth
  1. There is a 2 hour window of opportunity after a workout to consume X amount of carbs
  2. Determine the total amount of carbs required within this 2 hour window
  3. Determine immediate amount of carbs required (taken right after last rep)

To determine your required carbohydrate number:

Step 1- determine the amount of fat in lbs. on your body. Easy way to do this is if you know your body fat %. ( Ex 200lbs with 10% body fat - 10% of 200lbs is 20lbs of fat )

Step 2- subtract the fat from your current weight- 200lbs- 20lbs fat= 180

Step 3- determine your Lean Body Weight (LBW) by dividing Step 2 number (180) by 2.2- 180/2.2= 82

Multiply Step 4 total number (82) x 2g carbs to get total number carbs required within the 2 hr. window opportunity- 82x2=164

Your total carbs required within these 2 hrs. is 164


Determining immediate carbs requirements: your body weight x 0.4 (200 lbs. x 0.4) = 80g simple carbs post workout (ASAP)

Simple carbs sources: rice cakes, bananas, waxy maize, jams, dextrose, fruits high in sugar

Conclusion: Out of the total 164g of carbs required within the 2 hrs , 80g is required immediately, therefore leaving roughly another 84g carbs for the second post workout meal, followed 45mins after first post workout meal. This should help greatly combined with your protein to promote lean muscle mass.

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