Tuesday 29 January 2013

TOTAL Leg Workout

Leg workout, total quad and hamstring blast. Concentrate with extensions and curls on contracting the muscle at the top of the movement. A lot of times we just go through leg workouts trying to hammer out weight. When it comes time to the end of the workout contraction is essential to exhaust the leg muscles. Enjoy!


Leg extensions- 2 Sets- 20 reps to get some blood flow into the muscles

1.      Squats- 5 Sets of heavy weight(80% your max) rep range 6-8
2.      Leg Press- Sumo Leg Press (feet directed out) 4 Sets x 15reps Superset with Regular Leg Press x10reps

Here is a video for the first part of the superset: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkDpKeF6U_o

3.      Hack Squats 3 Sets x 12-15 Reps
4.      Leg Curls standing or lying 3 Sets x 12 Reps ( Hold movement at top and stress the downward motion of the movement, 3 seconds tension of way down)
5.      Leg Extension- One Leg- 3 Sets x 12 Reps (Contract at very top of movement, hold for 2 seconds)


Leg extensions- 2 Sets- 20 reps to get some blood flow into the muscles

1.      Squats- 4 Sets of 10-12 reps
2.      Deadlift- Keep Legs Straight 3 Sets of 10-12 Reps
3.      Lunges either with Dumbbell or Barbell- 3 Sets of 15 Reps
4.      Leg Curls standing or lying 3 Sets x 12 Reps ( Hold movement at top and stress the downward motion of the movement, 3 seconds tension of way down)
5.      Leg Extension- One Leg- 3 Sets x 12 Reps (Contract at very top of movement, hold for 2 seconds)

LINK FOR EXERCISES: http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/
  • For anyone with shoulder problems, trying substituting barbell out for dumbbell squats.
  • Workout between 60-75 mins

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