Tuesday 29 January 2013

30 SET Back Workout

30 Set Back Blast Workout

So you wanted a back workout??? Well here it is- I just finished using this workout this week during one of my depletion days. This workout is tough enough as it is, but no excuses it needed to be done. The weight throughout the workout was 80% of my 6 rep max for the majority of exercises. The weight needs to remain challenging throughout the workout. This workout took one hour to complete, about 20-30 seconds rest time in between sets. Enjoy!!

  1. 3 SetsX10Reps - Lat Pulldowns Burnout with Lat pulldowns again (cut weight in half, 10 more)
  2. 3 SetsX12-FailureReps- Close Grip Pullups
  3. 3 SetsX20Reps- Deadlifts- Concentrate on contraction at the top of movement-try your best to keep weight from hitting the ground, this will keep tension applied.
  4. 3 SetsX15 Reps- Under Hand Barbell Rows- hold and contract at top for 2 seconds
  5. 3 SetsX12Reps- Lat Pulldown Machine Under Hand Grip Wider the Shoulder Grip- Hold for 2 second count at bottom movement
  6. 3 SetsX15Reps- Under Hand Close Grip Lat Pulldown- Target lower lats- hold bar once it reaches chest for a tight contraction
  7. 3 SetsX12Reps- Close Grip T-Bar Pulldown
  8. 3 SetsX10 Behind Neck Pulldown- use a lighter weight to contract these muscles, be careful with neck positioning.
  9. 3 SetsX10 Reps- Cable Rows- one arm at time
  10. Wide Grip Pullups- 3 Sets X Failure

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