Tuesday 29 January 2013

Back Blast #2- Support for your ABS

Back BLAST Workout- Supporting those abdominals

It is very rarely talked about, but one the main components supporting your abs is your lower back. Your lower back is a ‘mirror muscle’ to your abs. Think of your biceps; you need strong powerful triceps to support a big bicep. Same goes for abs/core; you need a strong lower back to support your abs. This even goes as far to helping realign the abdominal muscles.

This workout is tailored to help define those upper/middle back muscles and specialized for the lower back. The routine gets away from the traditional back training for wide lats. The lats will be getting hit but primary concern to the bottom lats, to bring that nice V shape fully in. This will also help create separation from your side oblique muscles. Remember to use concentration and contract at the bottom of the movements. Try resisting each rep at the bottom for two seconds. When you are training back you do not need to go extremely heavy, this gets away from contracting the actual muscles. Concentrate throughout the workout on your movements.

*This website will guide you through any exercises you may not be familiar with*


3 sets of 20 reps- Single Arm Rows- Cable Pulley
  1. 4 sets V-Bar Pull-down. Reps: 15/12/10/10
  2. 2. 3 sets Deadlifts. Reps: 12/12/12
  3. 3 sets Leverage High Low Machine. Reps: 12/10/10
  4. 3 sets One Arm Bent-over Dumbbell Row. Reps: Failure/Failure/Failure
  5. 3 Sets Bent-Over Barbell Row. Reps: 15/15/15
  6. 3 Sets Seated Cable Rows. Reps: 20/20/20
  7. 3 Sets Back Extensions. Reps: 10 with weight in hands/Superset 6-10 without weight for all 3 sets
*30-40 seconds rest in between sets. Workout should take about 1 full hour.

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