Tuesday 29 January 2013

Super Sized Shoulder Workout w/instructional Videos

Super Set Shoulder Workout

So this workout was intended to be a depletion workout as I’m trying to deplete my glycogen. I needed to get a quick 45mins workout so I decided it would be best to superset everything. It ended up being a great workout and provided a great pump. The shoulders at this point were exhausted. I kept the weight around 80% of my 6 rep max. I’m not a fan of these depletion workouts so I decided to continue to lift heavy to keep the muscle as full as possible. Enjoy the workout

  1. DB Side Later Raises Superset with Rear Delts Reverse Raises (Lie chest down on incline bench)
  2. Arnold Press Superset with DB Hammer Grip Front Raises (raises DB with hammer grip across your body, almost like a hammer curl but keep your arm tight) 3 Sets X 15 for Arnold Press + 3 Sets x 12 Hammer Raise
  3. Cable Side Lateral Raise with pulley behind back Superset with Cable Upright Rows 3 Sets X 12 for Lateral Raise + 3 Sets X 20 Upright Rows
  4. Rear Delt Flyes on Cable station Superset with Plate Twists (Hold out plate infront on you like a steering wheel, rotate left to right) 3 Sets X 15 for Arnold Press + 3 Sets x 30 Seconds for Twists
  5. Leverage Shoulder press machine Superset with Bent Over Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise With Head On Bench 3 Sets X 12 for Shoulder Press + 3 Sets x 15 Rear Delt Raise
  6. Plate Raises 3 Sets Until Failure

Some Videos to explain the exercises

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