Tuesday 29 January 2013

Building Block LEG Workout

Foundation Leg Workout

Your Legs are the building block to your physique. Through exercise your legs will generate the most testosterone (PERFECT FOR MUSCLE BUILDING). Also most leg workouts will generate higher amount of calories being burnt due to the fact that so many other muscles in your body are being worked simultaneously (PERFECT FOR FAT LOSS).  Don’t shy away from training legs- you will limit the rest of your body for growing.

The Workout

  1. Squats- 5 Sets
  2. Hack Squats- 3 Sets SUPERSET W/Squat Jumps on Platform- (start in squat position-jump onto platform, jump backwards into starting position) Rep Range- 10/10/10
  3. Step Ups With DBs in hand or Flat Bar across back onto bench or platform, alternating legs- 3 Sets Rep Range 10 per leg or 90 seconds duration
  4. Leg Extensions Two Legs SUPERSET With Leg Curls [Two Legs]-3 Sets Rep Range- 12/12/12
  5. Leg Extensions One leg SUPERSET with Leg Curls [One Leg]- 3 Sets Rep Range – 12/12/12
  6. Extensions- Same machine used for lower back extension except lower the padding so when you preform the movement you isolate your hamstrings. – 3 Sets Rep Range -Failure

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