Wednesday 23 January 2013

All out Women's Workout

There have been many requests for a female diet/workout plan, so I put together a program which has two options. First option is for anyone trying to lose some body fat. Second is meant for those trying to add that lean muscle with minimum fat gain.

It is very important that you ladies realize you naturally have very low testosterone levels. This means it is more difficult to increase muscle mass compared to males. More importantly though you must understand that lifting heavy weights will be the key to toning that body. Most women are afraid of lifting excessive amounts of weight because they believe there arms/legs/etc. may get too masculine looking. That is a complete myth! Because of the low testosterone levels in your body it would be extremely difficult to add that masculine size. By pushing heavy weights you are shocking the fibres in your muscle to new limits forcing them to grow, but to grow to the NATURAL POTENTIAL, thus giving the muscle a nice ‘tone’ look. Another added bonus is the increased amount of calories you’re burning by pushing yourself with heavier weights. This creates cardio within your routine, helping burn fat. So don't shy away from lifting heavy!

Fat Loss Tips
  • 30 to 40mins cardio empty stomach (supplements BCAA’s+coffee prior)
  • Have complex carbs for breakfast and some simple carbs postworkout
  • Superset exercises with 3x15 sets/reps

How to add LEAN Muscle

  • Complex carbs morning/lunch/post workout/ dinner all in moderation to your bodyweight
  • Complex carb sources: oats/brown rice/sweet potatoes/veggies
  • Good healthy fats: avocado/olive oil/almonds/natural peanut butter/fish oils
  • Simple Carb sources (immediately post workout): frutis/sugars
  • Protein intake must go up 1.5-2grams X your bodyweight
  • Healthy Fat intake will generally occur at morning/lunch and at night according to working out between 3-5pm 
  • For muscle mass DO NOT superset these exercises. Concentrate on pushing yourself to do heavy sets from 12/10/8 range. Increase weight for each set. 3 Sets-12/10/8 reps
  • Only cardio you’ll be doing is LIGHT cardio at the end for 5-10mins


I understand not everyone knows the exercise names and it's difficult to fully explain so here is a great tool, just click the link and it will direct you to a website that contains instructional videos for every exercise. Just click the body part and your good to go! Enjoy!

Day 1 Shoulders
  1. Side Lateral Dumbbell(DB) Raises 
  2. Front Raises DB 
  3. Rear Raises DB (chest on incline benched,weights infront) 
  4. Cable Upright Rows 

Day 2 Back/Biceps
  1. Lat Pulldowns 
  2. DB rows 
  3. Cable Rows 
  4. Lower Back Extensions 
  5. Straight Bar Curls 
  6. DB Curls (twist motion at top of curl) 
  7. Rope Curls 

Day 3 Legs
  1. Squats 
  2. Lunges 
  3. Deadlift ( toes pointed in outward direction, creating a V shape, keep knees straight through the entire motion. This really isolates your hams/glutes 
  4. Leg Extensions(machine) 
  5. Leg Curls (machine 

Day 4- Chest/Triceps-primary focus is the triceps
  1. DB kickbacks 
  2. Dips (you assissted machine if needed) 
  3. Rope Extensions (overhead or downward) 
  4. Incline Press DB 
  5. Incline Flies DB

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