Tuesday 29 January 2013

ARM Annihilation Workout

Arm Annihilation

This is a complete triceps and bicep routine. First priority is the triceps muscle. The triceps is 2/3 of the arm making it a priority to attack first. If you want bigger arms, straight up hit your triceps hard! The bicep routine focuses around adding mass to the biceps and creating a peak in the biceps muscle.

  • Warmup-2 Sets X 20 CABLE PUSHDOWN
1.      Cable Pushdowns --- 4 sets – 15/12/10/8 *Split rope at bottom of movement*
2.      Close Grip Bench--- 4 Sets- 12/10/8/6 *Keep arms close to side of your body*
3.      Overhead D/B Extension Superset With D/B Kickbacks- --3 sets 12 each
4.      Cable Extension Overhead --- 3 sets of 15 to failure *Split rope at top of movement, cable pulley from top of station*

  • Warmup-2 Sets X 20 Empty Bar Barbell curls
5.      Big BAR Curls --- 5 sets – 12/10/8/6/6 *USE THE BIG BARBELL YOU BENCH WITH FOR MAX RESULTS*
6.      Seated Hammer Curls --- 4 Sets- 10/10/10/10 *Elbow tight to your body*
7.      Incline seated Curls with D/B - --3 sets of 12
8.      Kneeling Cable Curls 3 sets of 20 to failure *Position handles on cable tower at the top of the station, position yourself on your knees and curl the handles towards your chin. Hold & squeeze at bottom of this movement to contract a bicep peak*

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