Wednesday 23 January 2013

Blast that Back Workout

As promised here is the BACK BLAST workout. This back routine consists of 5 exercises, 4 of them will be your major exercises. Each exercise has 4 sets with reps ranging from 8-12. Weight increases every set with this routine. REST period minimal, 30 seconds max. The workout is geared towards creating a V-tailored shape back with emphasis on the lower lats.

For women: this will help with back definition and also sculpt a nice lower back. The stronger your lower back is the stronger your core will be.

Now let’s go!

  1. Seated Cable Rows – (MIDDLE BACK)
  2. Weighted Wide Grip Pull-ups-( For women, try using the assisted weighted pull-up machine and adjust weight assistance each set) (LATS/UPPER BACK)
  3. Single Arm machine Lat pull-down- (LOWER LATS)
  4. Barbell Bent-over rows (MIDDLE BACK/LOWER LATS)
  5. Back Extensions- (LOWER BACK)

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