Wednesday 23 January 2013

Training on the go- Hotel

This weekend was a perfect chance to blog about working out with minimal equipment and time. Being on the road for the weekend, I still needed to finish one more training session to finish the week. After finishing things up at the CHFA convention, myself and ON/ABB teammate James Elliott were in search for a gym. We tracked around the city but had no luck; all gyms were closed early due to it being a weekend day. We were left to train back at our hotel’s fitness center. The fitness center’s equipment had minimal equipment, weights up to 50lbs and one cable station. Nonetheless we made do with what we had. I still had triceps remaining to train and figured the best way to attack it was through a nonstop superset/triple set workout. These sorts of workouts are ideal for anyone on a vacation, or someone who just needs to rush through their training session to get about their day. The following was the triceps workout performed this past weekend.

  1. Cable pull downs, one arm 3x20 warm-up 
  2. Overhead press behind neck+ overhead press in front (both on medicine ball) +pushups w/hands creating diamond on dumbbell = 3X15 using max weight they had
  3. Triceps kick-backs 4X15
  4. Incline overhead dumbbell skull crushers superset w/incline dumbbell skull crushers to the side 3x15
  5. Overhead dumbbell press on bench superset w/flat dumbbell triceps press 3x15
  6. Rotating hand grip single arm cable pull downs superset with straight arm cable extension using high pulley station 3x15

Workout completed in 30mins, created massive pump. This strategy can be used for any body part if your training session happens to be rushed. Just adjust the weight and allow minimal rest between sets.

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