Tuesday 29 January 2013

Body Type Confusion :S ???

What body type are you and how will it affect you??? I’ve been hearing about this recently going around. There a three body types: ecto/meso/endo Morphs. Listed below are general guide lines of each. Chances are you are an IN BETWEEN two of them. Myself I believe I am a combo of ecto and mesomorph. The thing is people sometimes get caught up on being a certain body type because some article mentions certain traits that may fit their body. This information is just simply a guideline. When I weighed 170 LBS I could have said well I must be an ECTOMORPH, oh well I can’t gain too much muscle. Now at 220 LBS have I become a MESOMORPH?? Endomorphs can drop body fat and become just as shredded as ecto or mesomorph.  All I am trying to say is not to take this stuff too serious and have it deter you from your goals. Ectomorphs can gain muscle and lots of it and endomorphs can loss as much fat as they desire. I know first-hand because I’ve seen the changes myself.  Don’t be discouraged, with:
  1. Intense training,
  2. Proper nutrition
  3. Rest & Recovery

All in balance, you become the one who writes the rules.

  • Flat chest/small shoulders
  • Lean muscle mass
  • Fast metabolism
  • Considered hard gainers

  • Athletic
  • defined muscle mass
  • Gains muscle easily
  • Metabolism a bit slower than ectomorph- fat loss bit harder

  • Short build, stocky, round body
  • Harder to drop fat
  • Slow metabolism
  • Considered hard gainers

*The football player comparison will give you a better idea of what the body types are*

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