Tuesday 29 January 2013

Limitless LEG Workout

Limitless Leg Workout

The workout will start with heavy weight- pushing you to 6 reps max. After squats and leg press it will proceed to the Volume aspect of the workout. This aspect deals with more concentration with increased reps & a slight decrease in weight.  Exercise 5 & 6 are meant for exhaust the muscle. Usually at this point the workout would be complete, now is where you push yourself to a new limit. Keep respectable form and get through the final two exercises.

  1. 3 Sets of Squats- 10/8/6
  2. 3 Sets of Leg Press- 10/8/6
  3. 3 Sets of Hack Squats -15/15/15
  4. 3 Sets Deadlifts- 12/12/12
  5. 3 Sets Leg Extensions- Failure
  6. 3 Sets Leg Curls- Failure
  7. 3 Sets Front Squat- 10/10/10
  8. 3 Sets Lunges- 8-10 per leg

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