Tuesday 29 January 2013

Women's ARM Workout

Women’s Arm Workout

Don’t be afraid of lifting heavy weight, along with the proper diet challenging yourself with increased weight will actually provide that tone factor in your muscles. Disregard the myth that lifting heavy will make a woman’s muscle complex look masculine. This is total garbage! To have definition you need to lift heavy- 25 reps of 5lbs dumbbells won’t cut it. Challenge yourself!

  1. Dumbbell kickbacks 3 Sets---Reps 12/10/8
  2. Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 Sets--- Reps 12/10/8
  3. Extensions, split the rope at the bottom of the movement 3 Sets--- Reps 15/12/10
  • Try a super-set with Triceps Pull-down Extension One Arm at time- 12/12/12

  1. Dumbbell Curls 3 Sets--- Reps 12/10/8
  2. Dumbbell Curls on an Incline bench 3 Sets---Reps 12/10/8
  3. Hammer Curls with Rope 3 Sets--- 15reps/12/10
  • Try a super-set with Rope Curls 10/10/10


Refer to this website for help with exercises- http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/

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