Tuesday 19 February 2013

Last One Standing LEG Workout- 100 Level Series

Last One Standing Leg Workout - 100 Level Series

No b/s about it, no motivation behind it -simply put...JUST TRAIN YOUR DAMN LEGS!!

(1). 10x10 Squats (barbell) that's 10 sets of 10 reps building up in weight. Minute rest between (20-25mins total)

(2). 4 Sets of 15 Lying hamstring curls 

(3). 4 Sets of 20 Seated Leg Extensions 

(4). 4 Sets of 10 each leg- Alternating lunges (I prefer one spot running from right to left, left right)

(5). 4 Sets 10 -15 Platform Box Jumps

(6). 4 Sets of 10 Leg Press superset with calves press

(7). 5 Sets one leg standing calves raises -failure 

(8). 3 Sets seated calves until flippin failure

Stretch out and get out of there. If you are walking out the same as you went in then you simply didn't push hard enough.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

100 Level CORE Chaos Series

 100 LEVEL CORE Chaos Series Workout & Growing ABS Breakdown

Abs are made in the kitchen, yes yes BUT abdominal muscles are made in the gym.  In order to see your abs you need a balanced nutrition that drops you body fat low enough to do so. Building ABS is beneficial in the sense that you are

  1. Strengthening your Core
  2. Building the physical muscle which enables greater ABS visibility 
So how do we do this???....SIMPLE

  • First of all, you must realize that your abdominals are ONE sheet on muscle. You can target different regions of that muscle but realize your genetic makeup of that muscle is one sheet.
So how can we target them???

OK, first of all LOWER REGION (lower abs)
  • CURL your HIPS towards your CHEST to activate them, 90 degrees ain't doing you any favors!
  • Here are some movements for this region
  1. Stability Leg Raises off the ground
  2. Ankle Strap hip curls towards chest
  3. Knee ups- curling knees towards chest, feet should basically hit your hands
  4. Hip Raises off Decline Bench
  1. Weighted Crunches with Rope from Top pulley
  2. Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups
  3. Crunches, feet on bench, raises shoulders off floor and contract
  4. Crunches off Stability Ball

  • Please ditch the weighted bends, you are only building a thicker and wider waistline. To target obliques you want to incorporate a TWIST motion.
  1. Russian decline bench twists
  2. Bar across the back side twists
  3. Windshield Wipers (pictured below)
  4. Wood Choppers
Internal Core
  • PLANKS -regular or side
  • Running Knee Ups (holds yourself on DIP bar and start running motion while raising knees as high as possible


  •  Minimal rest between sets (20seconds)
Part One
  1. Stability Ball Leg Raises off ground 5 SETS- 20 Reps
  2. Weighted Decline Bench Sit-ups 5 Sets- 10 Reps
  3. Russian Decline Twists
Part Two
  1. Ankle Strap Hip Curls from pulley 4 SETS- 12-15 REPS
  2. Weighted Cable crunch w/rope 4 SETS -20 REPS
  3. Windshield Wipers or Bar Twists (bar across back) - 4 SETS- 20 Twists per side
Part Three

  1. Running Knee Ups on DIP bar - 3 SETS until failure

Thursday 7 February 2013



Need something new? Have an off day from your typical routine? Try this one on for size (literally). I like to think of this as a major testosterone workout (and no, not that! this is the gym version lol). Need other body parts to grow then give them a break to rest and try something new. This can contribute to building future muscle mass. I incorporate this once a week and rotate few weeks on and off.

So what we got???

  1. SQUATS- 10 Sets - REPS 30/30/20/20/15/10/10/10/8/6...weight increases as reps tailor down
  2. DEADLIFTS (REGULAR Bent leg)- 6-10 Sets...start with comfortable weight so first set then get about 70% your MAX ONE REP and hammer out 10 reps...rest 30 seconds and hit it again 
  3. Calves- three part 
  • 6 Sets Hack Squat Machine Calves Raises- 15 reps toes straight - 12 reps toes out - 12 reps in
  • 5 Sets Smith Machine Calves Raises - 12 reps (stand on platform to allow for deeper extension, push all the way through)
  • 5 Sets Seated Calves Raises- Increasing each set, Reps 20/15/10/10/8 LAST SET strip weight and max out until the machine if EMPTY!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Transformation- What does it have to offer??

What does the transformation represent? 

Transformation- an act, process, or instance of changing. The word itself explains what is happening here. A change is being made. In the fitness industry we relate this word to physical aspect of change. We see it all the time, amazing transformations. From skinny to muscles, fat to ripped. But society gets caught up in the material aspect of the transformation. We as a media driven society are drawn to the physical image and tend to relate that to success.

The transformation itself is about some much more than that. Sure the person’s appearance will change but it is the mindset and confidence that takes the biggest overhaul. I will use myself as an example; before my transformation began my confidence was at an all-time low, for whatever reason I was not happy with who I was. I was not goal driven and just let life run my days. Sometimes it takes something to hit you in the face to make a change and other times you realized you have just had enough with the old you and want a change. Either way it gets to a point where you just say the hell with it and start your journey.

All I can suggest is you need to do it for the right reasons… your health, your family, your husband/wife, gf/bf, build a stronger character. Don’t do it for some b/s reasons: trying to get more girls, wanting people to think you look aesthetic, to rub it in others faces. THAT I guarantee you will not last long term! You will have the short term satisfaction but in the end that road is a dark an empty one.

Do it for the right reasons, your body will transform, your confidence will grow, you will build a stronger character- ultimately building a stronger YOU and THAT person will have so much more to offer!

Monday 4 February 2013

What would you stand for Back Workout- 100 Level Series

***What Do You Stand For Back Workout***

-Part of the 100 Level Series Workouts-

Your back is the foundation of support to the other muscle groups on the upper body. Your lower back is extremely vital for core support and for support of leg workouts. I know everyone gets the concept of the v-taper but back includes more then lat pull downs superset with bicep curls. You have your lats, upper/middle/lower back. Focus on everything and build a mind-muscle connection with each movement. Legggooo

(1) Deadlifts -20-15-10-10-6 or failure...treat this like you do with squats on leg day, pushing max

(2) Lat Pulldown Wide Grip with 50% drop sets --4 Sets of 10 + drop set 50% of 15

(3) Under Hand Grip barbell bent over rows, pull towards middle abdominals. 4 Sets of 10-15--increasing 

(4) Single Arm Rows on pulley station 4 Sets of 15-20 --increasing 

(5) Overhand Grip Barbell bent over row, pull towards chest & hold for 3 count, 4 Sets of 10-12

(6) Underhand grip lat Pulldown, shoulder width to target lower lats, 3 Sets of 15--hold at chest for 3 count

(7) T-Bar Rows 3 sets of 12, let shoulders fall forward and contracting back blades to pull weight, hold2-3count.

(8) Wide Grip Pull-ups 3 Sets all until complete failure

(9)If you still want more, 3 sets back extensions

Now go find a stability and stretch this mutha out, a good 5-10 min back stretch will help with growth and aid in the recovery process.

#razfit #supportsystem #boldback #waytoomuchespresso

ABS, What the hell to do???

ABS- What the hell to do???

I'm speaking from personal experience, I'm not going to recite some 'abs are made in the kitchen' line. Everyone wants to know, how can I get abs???

1) Your body fat has to be low enough to reveal what is there. This can be done through a combo of weight lifting+ cardio+ dieting. personally, I have my lifting sessions and manage my calories to get the job done. My cardio is incorporated within the pace and intensity of my weight lifting sessions.

2) -A- You need to train them, some people like to say 'ooh i never train my abs and have a six pack' I can guarantee those people are squatting, doing deadlifts, or some sort of full body exercise if they are not training there abs separately. Don't forget majority of exercises involves working your core in one way or another. If you feel the need to train abs separately you can do so with body weight or resistance-weight.
-B- Training abs with weights, you can incorporate building the abs muscles through weighted resistance. This will actually build those muscles and make the abs larger, creating a 3d effect.

3) Do what works for you if you are seeing results...I've trained abs everyday, once a week, every other day, low reps, high reps. You need to find what works best for YOUR body, see how your body handles it and how it responds. I personally like to give a day of rest after doings ABS, I know they don't need as much time to recover but when you are squatting, deadlifting heavy throughout the week you need to keep in mind they are being worked during those points. This also includes training your lower back and having a strong lower back. Think support, just like the backside of your arm TRICEPS supports biceps. Lower BACK= ABS

4) Don't be fooled by specific ABS diet guidelines. I've had abs eating gluten free and had those same abs eating pizza and cake. The issue is portion control and management of your caloric intake. Don't be fooled by some article if it is already working for you.


Bad Ass Biceps Workout- 100 Level Series

Bad Ass Biceps Workout- 100 Level Series

**100 Level Series**

Building bigger arms requires: big/strong triceps, concentration/focus, throwing around some weight and a few bad ass routines. Here is the follow up to the triceps workout.

1) concentration curls 5 sets 25-20-15-10-8...weight increases, focus remains

2) rope curls across body Superset w/straight kneeling rope curls - 4 Sets of 15 each

3) big boy weight..4 sets of olympic barbell curls--15-10-8-6[strip plates off at each set and rep out 20 with empty bar, focus on slow release] +Use a spotter (keep you elbows friggin tight and don't raise them or use shoulders to lift this, you will be doing injustice to your bicep development!!)

4) 4 Sets of close grip inclined straight bar curls [lean on bench inclined at 3or4, have spotter pass you bar and rep out until failure, hold at top for 3 seconds and release slowly]

5) lets finish this with 4 sets of 20--CABLE curls [lie on floor, grab W bar or straight bar and curl down towards your chest/chin area, this will generate a full extension]

Biceps don't need to be a two hour Workout, they get hit enough during the week when training other body parts. just focus on the time you have and concentrate on the movement, especially releasing to contract different muscle fibres. Remember ego stays checked in with your belongings in the change room for this one-Quality trumps quantity.

**Feel Free To Share this workout with your friends**

TRI this one on for Size Workout- 100 Level Series

100 Level Triceps Workout

{~}TRI this one on for size Workout{~}

Your triceps have 3 muscle heads, which is more then the biceps. You want bigger arms??? Worry about your triceps and spend your time there. They are the money makers in terms of growing arms. This workout will require you to leave your ego in the change room. Concentrate on FULL extension of the muscle.

1) 5 Sets of cable pull down extensions 20 REPS

2) THREE Exercise Part 4 sets of 12-15 ---(1) VBAR push down (2) underhand Pull down (3) overhand pull down 

3) TWO set part 4 Sets of 12 REPS. (1)overhead rope extension (2) rope split pull down <split the damn thing fully>

4) 5 Sets 10 REPS overhead press DB

5) TWO Part (a) skull crusher x15 REPS (b) body weight dips off bench or bar= FAILURE

6) 4 Sets cable pulley kickbacks

#razfit #horseshoetris #gameon

Caloric Intake- What Do I Need???

CALORIC INTAKE- What do I need???

I will try to keep this as simple as possible. First thing is first you need to calculate your BMR (basal metabolic calc) there are tons on the internet, with this you need to calculate how many calories you burn during your training sessions. There are plenty of devices used to calculate how many actual calories you burn based off your heart rate otherwise if you are estimating I would suggest you under shoot that number because chances are you are not burning as many calories as you think, and besides it is better to be of the safe side with these numbers if that is your concern.
I will use myself as example, I need roughly 3000 calories a day for my maintenance phase, therefore once I determine this I can either A)maintain B)add muscle or C)drop fat.

*** One pound (lb) of fat is 3500 calories***
1. DROPPING BODY FAT- To lose 1 Pound (LB) of fat you need to drop 3500 calories, so split over 7 days that is a caloric DEFICIT of -500 calories a day, meaning my caloric intake would be roughly 2500 for that given period. (3000-500=2500)

2. ADDING MUSCLE- You would think well okay I will just add 500 calories to the equation and get 3500 total calories BUT if you are looking to add muscle mass your best bet is to aim for a caloric surplus of 1600-2500 calories over the week. 1600/7= rough surplus of +230 per day OR 2500/7= +360 per day. If you go with the theory of adding +500 calories a day you will end up with 3500, leaving you with adding muscle mass but also fat, it’s inevitable.


3. BUILDING MUSCLE WHILE LOSING FAT?? ABSO-FREAKIN (for the sake of being political lol)-LUTELY. Yes yes yes, you can build muscle while losing fat. Just think about when you build muscle without gaining weight or when the number on the scale goes up and you are not gaining any fat. Same scenario here. A prime example is an overweight person starting out, he/she will experience building muscle while drop fat. Also those in maintenance phase will experience this over a continued period of time. So does this process take a little longer?? Yupp but it all depends on the person and their everyday output.

Keep in mind your goals when doing anything, my best suggestion is to give this thing some freakin time, I hear it all the time, people are not happy because after 3,4 weeks they haven’t gained enough size or dropped enough expected body fat. Are you kidding me?!? It takes times to get there; this is exactly why most diets are designed for longer than 2 month periods. So give yourself a few months to grow if that’s your goal or give yourself those months to drop fat if that’s your plan. Do not start one phase for a month and then jump to another. It takes time guys and girls but with a consistent effort and positive outlook you will be there sooner than you think.


100 Level Chest Workout

**Each workout routine will consist of 5 Exercises that includes 5 Sets which will end up with a total over 100 REPS.**

For Chest we are going to try something new, throw pressing motions out the window here, we are going to concentrate on stretching and contracting the chest to gain control over those muscles. If you are having trouble growing chest this would be a good way to attack chest by hitting it with a pressing movement workout followed by a stretching movement workout 72+hrs after the initial workout.

(1) Incline Chest Flyes = 30/30/15/15/10
(2) Incline DB Pullover superset w/ decline push-ups = 20x5
(3) Cable Flyes Medley = 10 per each PART
Part 1- Bent over Flyes (chest facing floor) -Part 2- Straight out Flyes -Part 3- Press downs (hands turned straight out and press down/forward)
(4) Flat DB Flyes = 30/30/15/15/10
(5) Weighted Dips (weight belt works best) = 20 x 5


Back-BI-super-CEPS Workout
This is the concluding routine to the Chest-Tri-superCEPS workout. All exercises are SUPER SETS. Get ready for the ride.

(1) 4 Sets 10-15 Reps Lat Pull-downs SUPER w/ Standing DB Curls (fully twist wrists at top movement to target INNER biceps)

(2)4 Sets 10 Reps Barbell Rows SUPER w/ Close grip barbell curls (target OUT biceps)

(3) 3 Sets of 12 DB rows SUPER w/ Seated DB Hammer Curls

(4) 3 Sets of 10 Reps Cable V-bar Rows SUPER w/lying Rope Curls in Hammer position (after V-bar back extensions remove VBAR for rope and lie on your back and proceed to curl towards your face)

(5) Finisher - 4 FAILURE sets of chin-ups, no need to Super-set, targets both.

Again I stress weight doesn't matter, keep the muscle under tension and you will be fine. Directly superset each exercise. Should take 60mins. Leave it all out there, enjoy.
#razfit www.mikeraso.com

No Settle Leg Workout


I was thinking of taking it easy for the first day back but quickly realized no one is going to wait up for me, so the hell with it, had to go all out. Rest is meant for vacations, not here. Got that leg workout for you. Finish this bad boy under 60mins and leave it all on the gym floor.

(1) 4 Sets extensions x20 reps

(2) 4 Sets Squats x 15 reps at 70-80% your One Rep Max weight 

(3) Triple Set 3 Sets - (A) Leg press feet pointed outward 15 reps (B) Leg press inside shoulder width, 12 reps (C) Alternating lunges 10 per leg (jumping from one leg to the next, be careful, do stationary if needed)

(4) 3 Sets- Standing Hack Squat machine superset w/ standing hamstrings curls 15 reps for each
(5) 3 Sets Front Squats free bar Rep range - just go until you can't get back up


Bloody Calves Routine

Bloody Calves Routine

Calves can often be forgotten about and easily neglected. There are many different strategies when training calves, here is what I've found that has worked for me. I like to train calves twice a week - once with legs and once again two or three days after that. I switch between moderate weight/higher reps or lower reps/heavier weight- always pushing last sets to failure. Here's a routine:

(1) 6 Sets of 50-40-30-15-15-10 Seated Raises (increase weight)
(2) 4 Sets of 30 Standing Raises(15 for heels pointed out,15 heels in)
(3) 4 Sets of 40 Hack Squat machine raises (20 pushing through toes-20 through heels)

*Stretch in between and a solid 5 mins after*

LADIES LEGit Workout

LADIES LEGit Workout

I hate how so many of these women are being steered the wrong way by trainers and online b/s about training when it comes to losing weight. You honestly want to drop pounds? It's actually simple, ditch the cardio and crank up some weights. Don't shy away from lifting heavy either, no such thing as curling 5lbs for 30reps to 'tone'. That 'toned' look is actually lean muscle developed through putting the muscle under tension usually with a fair amount of weight. PLUS you can burn 2-3X more calories weight lifting in an hour compared to cardio. The fact are simple, now just push yourself through a leg workout.With regards to legs and butt.....All I can say is S-Q-U-A-T-S. no smith machine either, tension is lost there 95% of the time, just regular good old squats. 1-SQUATS 2-DEADLIFTS 3-LUNGES are key to building a butt. Here's the workout for you ladies:

1)Squats- 5 Sets of 8-12 Reps, increasing weight each set if you feel comfortable with your form

2)Deadlifts- straight leg or toes pointed outward in V shape 4 Sets of 10 Reps SUPERSET with Leg Extensions 4x15 Reps

3)Lunges- 4 Sets, 10 Per side- add weight bit by bit

4) Hamstring Curls 4 Sets of 10

Advanced PART 5) Step ups- bar on back or DB in hands, step up onto platform - 3 Sets 60 Seconds each.

(was hard to be political and not use the word ass lol)

Chiseled Chest Workout

Chiseled Chest Workout

This workout is a complete superset routine., work the hell out to exhaustion. If you are in need of something different then attack this workout. Forget the numbers that lie on the side of the dumbbells, those can be mental barriers. Push yourself through the workout, if not bring a partner and push each other. You will get stronger throughout the workout - your energy lies within.

1) 3 Sets of Cable Flyes -30 Reps

2) 4 Sets 8-10 Reps- Heavy Incline Press

Now for the real fun....

3) 4 Sets of 12-15 REPS DB Pullovers (put bench on an incline to target the chest) SUPERSET w/ Flat Bench DB Flyes 15-20 REPS ( DO NOT CLAP DBs together, keep tension!!!)

4) Alternating Single Arm DB Flat Bench Press 3 Sets 10 PER SIDE SUPERSET w/ Incline Flyes 15-20 Reps (keep tension!)

5) Incline DB Press 4 Sets of 15 Reps SUPERSET w/ decline push-ups until FAILURE (feet on bench)6)Cable push-downs out front 3 Sets of 30 Reps (lean forward and push out and downwards, cable on top pulley) SUPERSET with regular push-ups, again until Failure. [OR SUB w/DIPS & push-ups]

Now get up, hold your head high and walk out stronger then when you entered. The day from this point forward is now yours, ready to be dominated. Don't let the clock or someone run your day, YOU run your own day.

Enjoy (blame me after lol)


Diced Delts Workout#2


No b/s hype and talk because talk is cheap. straight up just give it a go and check your ego at the door. weight is pointless if you can't contract and keep the muscle under tension. you are in it for yourself so forget what the rest think. Today, leave it all on the floor. i will admit, i felt like complete crap today and attacking this workout was the last thing i wanted to do but once i finished this i felt renewed for the rest of the day.


(1)5 Sets Arnold Press 20 Reps Superset w/Seated Lateral Raises 15 Reps

(2) 4 Sets Shoulder Press 15-12-10-15 Reps

(3) Behind Neck Shoulder Press (option to use smith machine while kneeling) 4 Sets 15 Reps

(4) 4 Sets Standing DB Lateral Raises Superset EZ Bar Upright Rows 12-15 Reps

(5) Reverse Flyes, either cable or pec-deck- 4 Sets of 20 Reps

(6) Cable Lateral Raises kneeling (hand position behind back) 3 Sets of 15 Superset w/Plate Front Raises

Shoulder Shred Workout

As I wait for this stupid delayed flight I figure I would toss up a workout for you guys/girls. Put those thanksgiving calories to work!

---Shoulder Shred---My latest shoulder workout, supersets all the way through - let's roll....

(1) Arnold Press superset with Reverse DB Flyes - 4 sets of 12
2) Seated DB Lateral Raises superset Standing Arnold press (punching the weight forward like you are throwing a jab) - 4 Sets of 10
3) Cable Upright Rows superset rear extension from top pulley - 3 Sets of 12-15
4) Side lateral raises from behind with cable pulley superset with front plate raises - 3 Sets of 10-12
5) Behind neck shoulder press superset with explosion front raises using a T-Bar or barbell jammed in corner. 3 Sets of 15
6) Optional -3 heavy sets of barbell shrugs for traps



Low Carb Spaghetti Stir Fry

I'm no Mrs. Fields but this was pretty damn good. It's simple, quick, natural and makes a ton of servings.

  • Low Carb noodles, in this case I used (1) spaghetti squash for the nutrients they contain and the texture is great-
  • 1 tomato sauce, either homemade or natural base from the store
  • extra lean ground turkey package =1

Directions :
1) Cook squash in oven or microwave ( if you choose microwave make sure to puncture about 10-12 holes around it or else you are looking at a royal disaster in your kitchen )
2) Prepare ground turkey 15mins (until brown), add spices while cooking : chilli, onions, paprika, oregano, curry powders
3) Cook tomato sauce 10-15mins
4) After the squash shell gets soft- remove and let it settle for 5 mins. Slice edges off and cut squash in half. Once in half, peel the squash with a fork. It will form a spaghetti like texture.
5) Mix sauce into turkey and stir, finally add spaghetti to the mix for a minute or two and then serve.6) Add veggies of your choice- I added half avocado

Enjoy y'all!


ABS Part 3- Side Obliques Concentration

Ok ok I am going to put an end to the myth of side bends for side obliques. Do they work?? YES, they make your waistline wider because you are working them with weight. If you want that look then by all means... but those oblique 'lines'don't come with side bends. I've never performed a side bend in the 5 years of my weight training. Just never made sense to me. Now that we got that down, let's hit up this routine.

(1) Wind Shield Wipers 4x10-15 swipes per side (pictured)
(2) Kneeling barbell twists 4x50. Place barbell across shoulders and kneel down, rotate left to right and right to left for a 50 count.
(3) Decline bench Russian Twists 4x25 per side. Position yourself on decline bench in sit-up position and rotate left to right, right to left with a plate in your hands.(4) 3 Sets of planks for 1-2mins. Great way to finish up and strengthen core.

My Daily Fat Intake Sources

Here is a look at the fats I will consume during the day throughout the week that help keep me lean. Do not be scared of fat intake, healthy fats are vital for growth and recovery and at the end of the day when you decrease your carb intake you need to manage your caloric intake by increasing your protein and fat intake.

  • Peanut Butter (don't ask- Too much!)
  • Almonds/Almond Butter
  • Any type nuts
  • Olive Oil
  • Grapeseed oil
  • Avocado
  • Fish Oil
  • Flaxseed Oil
  • CLA
  • Coconut Oil
  • Salmon
  • Dark Chocolate (85% up)


Carb Back Loading Sample Split DIET

When I was using the CARB BACK LOAD Dieting system my diet looked like this for the most part:

Meal 1: HydroWhey Protein- natural PB - coffee w/cream
Meal 2: Casein protein-almonds
Meal 3: Protein source (chicken/steak or chicken) - avocado- veggies
Meal 4: PRE workout shake
Meal 5: POST workout shake with carbs (waxy maize or sugars)
Meal 6: Lean protein with CARBS (rice/pasta/potato/breads)
Meal 7:Casein protein with CARBS (rice cakes/pies/cookies/muffins) or oats

  • I aimed for 7 protein meals, 2-3 carb meals at about 100g carbs per each meal depending on how I felt. I would try include most my carb meals to be high GI for insulin purposes. Protein intake is irrelevant to list because it depends on each individual. During this period my body was used to drawing energy from fat sources instead of using carbs as an energy source.

  • I ran this diet for close to a year and experienced great results BUT it does take great control not to totally pig out just because your body can handle food you thought it never could. Now due to lifestyle my diet has changed around again.

Homemade Gnocchi- Two Versions

www.mikeraso.com Diets-Routines-Contest Coaching

Original Recipe- Ricotta Gnocchi (Serves 8)

~4 large white potatoes ~100g ricotta ~Sea salt & white pepper (2 tbsp)

~200g all purpose flour ~2 EGG ~1 Cup Basil Leaves ~Served with parmigiano cheese

Gluten FREE Recipe (Serves 8-10) 
• 3.5LBS White potatoes 
• 3 Eggs 
• 300g Gluten free flour, (rice flour) 
• 2 tablespoons olive oil 
• 1 chopped Onion+ Garlic 
• 1 TBSP Sea Salt & Black Pepper 
• ½ cup basil leaves 
• Goat Cheese can be used as an option


1. Boil potatoes in pot for 15mins, remove and mash up. 
2. Add 1 cup mashed potato, flour and egg in bowl. Mix into a ball. Shape dough into 'S' shape stretched on floured pan and cut proceed to cut every 1 inch or so. 
3. Boil large pot of water, add touch of salt. Drop in gnocchi and cook for 3-5 minutes or until gnocchi rise to top of pot.

Served with sauce of your choice, tomato sauce in this case.




--------ABS Part 1--------

www.mikeraso.com-Diets-Routines-Contest Coaching

****Top ABS Development

~Key - crunch chest towards hips movement ~


1) Seated cable crunch 5 sets of 20

2) Weighted decline sit-up 4 sets of 15 increasing weight each set

3)kneeling cable crunch 4 sets of 12

4) sit-up off medicine ball 3 sets until failure

Focus on breathing, exhale at top movement. Mind body focus when training abs is key. Visualize the actual contraction of the movement.

Part 2 & Part 3 will coved lower abs & obliques.

More at www.mikeraso.com

Horse-Shoe Triceps Workout


www.mikeraso.com -Diets-Routines-Contest Coaching

Let's go #instafamily....TRICEPS- looking to grow your arms, your TRIs need to be a focal point. LADIES don't shy away from this either, this will help tone your arms, in a non masculine way :D. Here is the battle you will encounter:

(1) 5 sets V-Bar push down, increasing weight each set Reps-20/15/10/8/6
(2) 3 Sets- Lying forwards on incline bench Dumbbell kickbacks. Lying on the bench will help eliminate swinging and promote more triceps isolation. Reps 10-12
(3) 3 Sets- Standing skull crusher using EzBar setup, allows for full stretch and extension. Superset with front presses pushing up from the chest/shoulder region. 10 Reps
(4) 3 Sets- Rope press downs superset with overhead rope extensions. Split rope at bottom and top movement respectively and hold for 3 second squeeze. Reps- Failure sets
(5) Diamond push-ups, all the way down & hold at top for 3 seconds. 3 Sets all until Failure.

Enjoy and embrace the burn,




---Here is the latest workout, not necessarily a fan of combining two muscle groups BUT sometimes you need something new to give yourself a good old ass whipping. Each set is a super set- let's roll.

(1) Incline Press Barbell 5 Sets w/ Skull Crushers 8-12 reps
(2) Flat DB Flyes w/DB kickbacks 4 Sets 15 Reps
(3) Single Arm DB Press w/two hand seated overhead DB extension 3 sets of 10-12
(4) Dips, lean forward w/dips straight back targeting Tris 3. Sets to failure
(5) incline DB press w/rope extensions, from top to bottom 4 sets of 10 reps



ABS-Part 2---Lower ABS---


~Focus on curling hips towards Chest to activate lower abs. That 90 degree garbage will NOT cut it. You must curl the hips to the chest! So let's roll.

(1) 4 sets of 20-30 reps lying leg raises(place medicine ball Between your feet)

(2) 4 sets of 12-15 reps weighted hip curls(Ankle straps to lower pulley station, raise feet towards head through curling of hips

(3) 3-4 Sets until failure hanging knee raises. Past 90 degrees, knee tucked towards face SUPERSET w/ knee tucks until failure (feet on medicine ball and curl knees into hips) A good variation of this is using the Rowing machine,placing feet on seat and gliding towards hands in pushup position(vid coming on that soon

TOP Chest Workout

:::::That time again, Chest Workout:::::

Focus shift to upper chest, incline movements. The chest grows from the top down, performing flat bench and decline won't get that chest to pop. Lets roll:

(1) 5 Sets,8-12 reps Barbell Incline Press, bench at 40 degree angle(use smith machine if no spotter)

(2) 4 Sets,12-15 reps Flat DB Flyes- DO NOT hit weights at top, you will relieve all the tension totally defeating the purpose.

(3) 3 Sets, 15 reps Flyes, chest parallel to the floor, arms bent- squeeze at bottom USING CABLES

(4) 3 Sets 15 reps cable press downs. (As pictured) Use a full stretch and hold at bottom.

(5)4 Sets Dips- all failure reps

We ain't done yet...

(6) 4 Sets 8-10 reps DB incline press, bench at 30 degree angle.

(7) 3 Sets 12-15 reps Incline DB Flyes

I gotcha!! www.mikeraso.com

ABS Circuit Routine

Need a quick but effective ABS circuit? Give this a try, targets side obliques, upper and lower abdominal regions.

(1) Side wipers, legs straight up in air, rotate through the waist left to right. 5 sets of 20-30 twists

(2) Lying legs raises, curl your hips toward your chest otherwise you are wasting your time with leg raises. All about flexing the hips towards chest to activate lower ABS. 5 sets of 25 reps.

(3) Seated crunch, seated in front of a cable tower, legs extended grab both sides of the rope and focus on crunching down towards your hips. Keep your arms locked throughout the movement. 5 Sets 20 reps. You don't need to spend hours on ABS, use a fast pace circuit and hit them correctly, those garbage 90 degree leg raises will not cut it.

Be smart with your time and make the most out of each exercise.

LEGit Workout #2

LEGit Workout #2


A new style that goes against the traditional style of training legs - let's switch things up and spark some new growth. Saving the best for last with this one.

1) 3 sets Step Ups- reps 10per leg....barbell on back...
2) 3 Sets Inner stance leg press- 10-15reps
3) 3 Sets Toes pointed out Leg Press to target hamstrings -15reps
4) Single Leg Extensions- 3 Sets of failure

---Best for last--- Your legs should be getting tired at this point thus making these next two exercises crucial that you concentrate on the form rather than just smacking around a bunch of weight and not contracting the actual muscles.
5) 4 sets of Squats- 6-10 reps
6) 4 Sets Stiff Leg Deadlifts 8-10 reps Legs matter!

FACT- You generate much of your testosterone from working out your legs which will help the rest of your body grow. Don't half ass legs because you think it is not important because if you want the total package it is VITAL to train them hard!

Chicken Fingers Recipe- Simple & Easy to Make

What you need:
  • chicken tenderloins (6-8)
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • spices
  • 1/4 Cup Almond Milk if needed

What to do?
  • Grind oats
  • Roll chicken in oat flour
  • Add almond milk to the oat flour if you find the oat flour is not sticking to the chicken
  • Top with spices of your choice before cooking
  • You can pan-fry for 10mins per side or bake them around 15-20mins on Medium heat setting

Chest Mondays' Routine

(1) 5 sets cable flyes, 20 reps
(2) 5 sets DB incline press 6-10 reps
(3) incline DB pullover 4 sets 10 reps
(4) Flat DB Flyes Superset w/ wide grip pushups 3 Sets 10-15 reps
(5) Dips Superset with Triangle hand position pushups 5 Sets 15-20 reps
(6) Cable Flyes Up Superset Clap pushups 3-5 Sets until failure.

This workout took 50-60mins so the rest time was minimal. Weight increases for all sets except for the Dips.


Not so lazy LEG Workout

**Check your ego at the door and allow your mind to see no limits.
  • Quick 5 minute spin on the bike to warm-up
  • 3 Sets of Leg extensions 40-50 Reps, get some blood moving into the muscle
  • 4 Sets of Squats Reps 10-12 at 60% One-Rep-Max weight....Now move onto 5 Sets of 5 Reps pushing yourself to 80-85% of your One-Rep-Max weight
  • 4 Sets of Stiff-Leg Deadlifts, keep the weights from hitting the ground and keep tension on your hamstrings
  • 3 Sets of Hamstring Curls at Rep Range 12-15
  • 3 Sets Leg Extensions...Single Leg Rep Range 15
If you want more.....3 Sets of Close stance Leg Press- Rep Range 10

  • 10 Sets of Seated Calves Raises....Work your way up in weight and then come back down
  • 3 Sets of Calves Extension machine superset with toes pointed out and in - Rep Range 15

Spicy Seafood Platter

Here is a high protein, healthy fats meal with an option to include some complex carbs. I personally hate fish but I realize protein variation is important and the benefits of salmon are too good to always pass up. I have experimented with many different ways of cooking fish and I found that using the BBQ has helped eliminate that 'fishy' smell. This meal acutally turned out quite good! Here is the recipe and guide. Enjoy!

1 Piece Cod
1 Piece Salmon
1 Hot Pepper
1 TBSP Chilli Powder
1 TBSP Oregano
1 TBSP Parsley
1 TBSP Cumin
2 TBSP Salsa, red or green
Side dish of Carbs if required (brown rice/pasta/potato)

Place fish on tin foil sheet
Chopped pepper onto fish
Spread all spices on fish and rub onto both sides
The cumin spice was only used for the Cod
Preheat your bbq
Fold tin foil over the spiced fish and toss onto the bbq
Cook for 15-20mins

Complete Biceps Workout

I usually train triceps and biceps together but every so often when I have the chance I will isolate triceps and biceps on their own individual training day. This allows for extra attention to certain areas as well as a variation to your regular training routine.
  • 4 Sets Heavy Close Grip Curls with the cables, either two single hand pulleys or W-Bar REP RANGE 12-15
  • 4 Sets Heavy Barbell Curls REP RANGE 8-12
  • 3 Sets Single Arm DB Hammer Curls across body superset with EZ-Bar reverse grip curls
  • 3 Sets Incline curls, lie with your chest against the bench on an incline angle of 30 or 40 degrees. Allow your arms to hang straight down and curl towards your chin - REP RANGE 10-12
  • 3 Sets Hammer Rope Curls- REP RANGE- 20
  • 3 Sets Cable Curls Arms extended using the cable tower (Knees of floor, curling handles towards the face) REP RANGE- Exhaustion each set!

Concentrate and contract the bicep muscles....

Enjoy, a tricep routine to follow!

Advanced ABS Workout

--- Advanced ABS Workout---

A full ABS workout- treated like any other body part, that abdominals workout is designed to target the entire core section and will be treated like you are training any other body part. I would suggest this routine 2 times per week; you will need to allow recovery time for your abs to grow. Yes, I understand abs are made in the kitchen, I won’t argue that but at the same time you want to physically build those abdominal muscles so you can get them to pop after all that discipline in the kitchen.

Reminder- No 90 degrees garbage….CURL HIPS TOWARDS CHEST to actually hit lower abs otherwise you are wasting your own time!

  •  6 Sets of Lying legs raises (either DB between feet or ankle attachment hooked to cable pulley system at bottom) REP RANGE- 10-12 increase weight by 2.5lbs each set
  •  4 Sets of Hanging Side Wipers REP RANGE- 10-12 per side Total=20-24
  •  4 Sets Cable Crunch REP RANGE 15-20
  • 3 Sets Knee Ups (Hanging or Roman Chair ) with DB between feet for added resistance, raise knees as high as possible REP RANGE 8-12
  • 3 Sets Decline bench Sit-up with weight in hand SUPERSET with Russian Twists on decline angle REP RANGE 12-15 for sit-up and 20-25 per side for Russian Twists
  • 3 Sets Lying leg raise with medicine ball between feet REP RANGE 20 SUPERSET with Planks 40-60 Seconds

· EXTRA - 3 Sets of ABS section you feel is lagging, whether that be upper abs, lower abs or oblique’s, provide that weak point for added attention

Calves Routine

---Calves Routine----
  • 6 sets Leg Press Raises-
  • 4 triple set hack squat raises ( toes pointed in,out,straight )
  • 4 sets standing raises -
  • 3 sets squat jumps onto platform -
5-10mins walk on treadmill on high incline angle.
Duration: 20-30mins

~Don't forget to stretch during and post workout!

Healthy DONUTS (Well at least my attempt at it)

What do we need?

Dry Mix

  • 3 cups sweet potato, which is about 6-8 medium pototoes
  • 1 cup oats (gluten free for those sensitive)
  • 1 Scoop protein (Casein works best)
  • 3 TSP Baking powder (gluten free those sensitive)
  • 1 TSP vanilla extract
  • 2 TSP cinnamon
  • 1 TSP Xylitol
  • 3/4 TSP salt


  • 1/2 Cup Splenda and 1/4 Cup Water
  • Walden Farms Calorie Free Sauce, optional topping

How do we do this?
  1. Cook the sweet potatoes
  2. Grind up the oats into an oat flour
  3. Mix all dry ingredients together (Try to eliminate as much water as possible from the sweet potatoes by drying them first before mixing)
  4. Once mixed together, scoop mix with 1/4 Cup measure onto non stick pan, proceed to flatten dough just a bit and make a hole in the middle
  5. You can sprinkle 1 TSP Xylitol over the donuts before cooking for extra sweetness if desired
  6. Pre Heat Oven to 400
  7. Cook for 20 Mins at 350
  8. Take out of the oven and leave to cool down before using a glaze
MAKING THE GLAZE- Boil the 1/2 Cup Splenda on a pot, add the water bit by bit. Stop once it thickens up but keep the glaze warm until after the donuts are finished. Takes about 3-5 mins to thicken. You could also topping with the Walden Farms sauce.
Makes: 12-14 Donuts
The recipe has gluten free options and can be modified to be VEGAN by sub. the Casein protein out for non dairy protein.


Chocolate Protein Pancakes

What is needed?

  • 1/2 cup DRY oats
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Protein (Casein or Whey Iso)
  • 1 TBSP Vanilla Extract
  • 1 TBSP Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 TBSP Xylitol (if your prefer more sweetness)
  • 2 Eggs (Only whites needed)
  • Water
  • Toppings: Walden Farms Zero Calorie Caramel Sauce

How to get started?

  • Preheat a non-stick pan, no need for wasted calories on oils.
  • Grind the oats down
  • Toss the oat grinds into a mix with your protein source, vanilla extract, cinnamon, egg whites and enough adequate amount of water to make a pancake like consistency
  • Scoop 2-3 TBSP of the mix onto the pan and leave cooking for 1 MIN, flip over if ready and continue 
  • Topped with Waldens Farms Zero calorie caramel sauce drizzle over finished pancakes

When should I consume and with what Protein??
  • Post-Post workout meal, that first meal after your post-workout shake- you can use a mixture of whey isolate and casein or just whey isolate.
  • Morning time or pre workout try the recipe with casein, it will provide steady release protein throughout the day.

Bigger Back Workout

Bigger BACK Workout

Let's Build this.....

Rep Range 8-10

Duration- 60-75mins

Importance- focus and contract
  • 3 Sets Wide Grip Pullups superset with close grip pullups- Start with bodyweight, progress by adding weight with a belt
  • 3 Sets Deadlifts superset with Barbell Rows - 70-80% 1 Rep MAX
  • 3 Sets Lat Pulldowns Overhand Grip super Lat Pulldowns Underhand grip - Weight, 80% 1 Rep MAX
  • 4 Sets DB Rows- Go Heavy
  • 3 Sets T-Bar Row- Go Heavy
  • 3 Sets Cable Row - Contraction is key
  • 4 Sets Back Extensions - Failure each set

LEGit Workout #1

LEGit Workout #1 (Get your ass in gear)

I won't rant about the importance of legs, but you don't want to be that dude at the gym with chicken legs and a girl with strong legs is a good look! Soooo just remember to TRAIN LEGS! These workouts are targeted for both males and females.

  1. 5 Sets of Squats (FREE bar to get most out of it!)
  2. 4 Sets of Leg Press (Feet inside shoulder width)
  3. 3 Sets Hack Sqauts
  4. 3 Sets Romanian Stiff Deadlifts (use smith machine if your hamstrings are burnt out at this point)
  5. 3 Sets Leg Extensions- superset w/single leg extensions
  6. 3 Bar Lunges , alternating right/left between reps (again opt for smith machine if hamstrings are fatigued)

Your hamstrings get hit during the first 3 exercises therefore they may be sore for the rest of the workout. Don't worry about opting for smith machine; the most important thing is you GET IT DONE!


BCAAs- Worth While?? Breakdown


Here is a quick and simple breakdown of BCAAs and they role the play in building muscle and dieting

What are BCAAs?....Branched Chain Amino Acids

Why are they important?....They have a positive effect on the muscle building process and play a key role in keeping muscle mass when dieting, in a caloric deficit.

Science behind it all- greater protein synthesis and decreasing protein breakdown. Vital component is leucine, setups up greater protein synthesis possibilities.

When should I take them?..... Morning/ Night/ Between meals & Pre/Intra/Post workout

Be smart.... BCAAs are found in many different products, you don't necessarily need to consume additional bcaa's on top of certain products you may be using already that contain a sufficient amount of BCAAs.

(Example: night time BCAAs are found in my casein protein, therefore not needed to add additional)

Top Action Chest Workout (Incline workout)


This workout is focused on the upper chest region, the chest grows from the top down, a stronger/bigger upper chest will generate a larger chest in general. If your upper chest or that 'pop' in your chest is lacking to your physique give this one a try:

4 sets of each except for exercise #3 

1) DB incline press at 40 degree
2) DB incline flyes
3) incline barbell press, 6 sets
4) pec deck superset w/flat press machine
5) cable press downs (shown)
6) dips