Friday 8 March 2013

What to do when SICK

When you’re sick, you’re sick

Sometimes as much as you don't want to give your body a rest you eventually need to shut things down and let the body recuperate, this especially holds true when you are sick. Last few days I have been put down on my ass and as much as I want to train I can't even leave to do much work from home.

What can one do when sick??
  1. get rest, rest and MORE REST- rest up, big deal if you sleep longer then you usually do, you are sick and out of commission anyways... sometimes the biggest problem is trying to fight through something when you are sick, it prolongs the process and leaves you feeling like crap even longer 
  2. Take plenty of Vitamin C (pill form, oranges/ OJ whatever, grab some vitamin C!) 
  3. Try Zinc 
  4. Vitamin D 
  5. Try to stay hydrated 
  6. Your body needs calories, so don't shy away from eating when you are sick, eat up it will provide the body with energy (myself I will eat whatever is around when I'm sick, something is better than nothing) 
  7. Avoid dairy 
  8. Warm tea (ginger tea is good one)
This what works for me and allows me to recover a lot quicker then those who get shut down for a week or so with a bad flu bug.

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