Wednesday 6 March 2013

Challenge to GROW

The 4000 Challenge to Growth

Tired of those regular workouts? The hell with cardio I need something different today. Today doesn't need to be about arm day, leg day- it needs to be about pushing myself to another level, the focus is on overall growth. the best way to grow is through squats, deadlifts or COMPOUND MOVEMENTS. No b/s smith-machine squats, no knee problem excuses either (yeah I've injured my knee/ankle/broken toes) and still manage to always free bar squat. 

 Choose a weight that will push you but still allows for proper form to avoid injury. in my case i will pick 400lbs and hit 10 sets of 10 reps making it 100 totals reps at 400lbs....4000. the goal will be to finish it up in 20-30mins. you want to grow, kill calories, improve your legs and core?? Get off those stupid cardio machines and go squat. Pick a weight, set a challenge for yourself go after it. If you want something different well then here it is.

NO excuses now, what the hell are you waiting for???...Your potential is calling!

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