Thursday 14 March 2013

TRI-Factor Workout (Triceps)

TRI-Factor Workout 


Time to get back in the swing of things. Need something to kick your ass and push you to another level so step up and let's go. No excuses, battle til exhaustion, until the muscle says enough stop.

(1) 5 Sets Triple Set - 10 rope split down -10 rope overhead - 10 more rope split down

(2) 4 Sets Close Grip Bench 12/10/8/6 pushing some good weight here

(3) 3 Sets incline skull crushers of 12-15 reps 

(4) 4 Sets kickbacks using cable from lower pulley station all until FAILURE

(5) 3 Sets reverse grip cable Pulldown 12-15 reps 

(6) 5 Sets bench dips adding weight on lap (bring a spotter this gets nasty) until FAILURE

Shake off your arms and walk out of there stronger.
#razfit #getTris #myGL #ownthisplace

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