Tuesday 5 March 2013

Good Healthy FATS

Fats, Fats, Fats...

Do they make you fat?? Are they bad for you or beneficial?? Well not all fats are bad for you contrary to what you may have been told.


  • HEALTH benefits....fight cancers, heart disease
  • fights weight gain
  • improve cardiovascular health
  • skin benefits

Types of GOOD Fats
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Almonds, Nut Butters (PB)
  • Nuts-Cashews, walnuts, pecans etc
  • Seeds
  • Coconut Oil
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Fish Oils
  • Flax Seed Oil
  • MCT Oil
  • Macadamia Oil
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Eggs
Looking to ADD Muscle?? Fats have 9 calories per gram which is more then carbs and protein (4 cals per gram) so incorporating Fats into the diet is a great way to boost calories when adding size or even hitting that caloric intake mark to lose weight (yes, sometimes we may not be eating ENOUGH to drop fat)

AVOID TRANS FAT- no benefits to this crap!

Saturated fats are NOT the enemy (recent studies prove this) BUT be mindful of the portion of SAT Fats you intake.

When is best time to intake??....Due to slow break down of fats it would be suggested majority:
  1. Morning
  2. Night
So don't shy away from fats because the word sounds dreadful...as always be mindful of your total caloric intake and incorporate a healthy balance of GOOD Fats.

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