Wednesday 6 April 2016

What is the deal with REFEEDS ???

Refeeds seems to be the sexy industry word as of late. I tend to see a bunch of garbage being thrown around social media claiming these high calorie meals are all refeeds. You need to be careful before you just start taking back more calories and telling yourself 'oh it's okay, this will be my refeed'. The issue I have with this mindset is the individual is missing the point of the refeed. Do they really need it; will this benefit or hurt them?? 

With all this confusion around the refeed meal(s) let me try and break it down for you.

A REFEED is a period of higher caloric intake, typically coming from CARBS and FATS when one is in a caloric deficit.

Refeeds can last for a few hours up to a day or more depending on the individual.

This is a very important aspect, when does one need a refeed meal or day. There is no simple answer, it varies based on the individual, and some may need to refeed more frequently. Each individual needs to study how their body reacts and adapts to certain caloric intakes and routines and can make a more informed decision from that point. 

Here are some typical signs that you may require a refeed

  • fatigue 
  • loss of focus
  • constantly hungry
  • muscles flat, won't hold much of a pump
  • workouts lack intensity, drop in strength 


DO NOT just refeed because you have become lazy with your diet. Refeeding serves the purpose to raise leptin levels, metabolic rate, testosterone and dopamine. Strategic refeeds will help you lose additional weight when you have hit a plateau. DO NOT refeed as much as that athlete you follow on social media just because!! Everyone refeeds at different rates. Three years ago I would refeed once every two weeks now I am refeeding typically every 3-4 days. So what changed?? My weight and muscle mass, I am 230lbs compared to 215lbs; I carry more muscle and can burn through more calories. My metabolic rate has increased due to the intensity of my workouts and increase in caloric intake. Take the time to study your body and adjust accordingly. You will get a hang of it and be able to truly feel when your body NEEDS a refeed if you give it the time. 


  1. Thanks for clearing it up man. I have been hearing that word a lot. Even when people are bulking and made no sense.

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